Bouquet in Amphora Vase

Bouquet in Amphora Vase


Bouquet in Amphora is a hand made platter with the painting of a colourful bouquet of yellow and purple flowers in a hand painted amphora.

This work is inspired by our love for the Omega Workshop and the free painting style of Duncan Grant and Vanessa Bell.

The platter can be displayed on its own or in a group with the other ones in this range.


H 40 cm - W 27 cm

H 16” - W 10.5”


The White Vase plate1.jpg

The White Vase

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La Ciotat

Valldemossa Valldemossa.jpg


Skyline 11 P1.jpg

Skyline 11

The Red Sail The-Red-Sail-plate-1.jpg

The Red Sail
