Our wallpaper designs can be produced on several other materials including a vinyl base, grass cloth, silk and cork.
Special qualities are only available for our trade partners.
If you require further information please see our page dedicated to trade accounts here or apply for a trade account here.
A natural sisal grass with a coarse weave texture applied on a matte metal foil 147gsm non-woven backing for easy application.
Non-Woven Backing FSC Certified C104236.
Our Grasscloth quality has been tested and certified to Fire Rating
BS EN 13501‐1:2007+A1:2009 Class B, s1, d0.
A natural sisal grass with a fine weave texture applied on a matte metal foil 147gsm non-woven backing for easy application.
Non-Woven Backing FSC Certified C104236.
Our Fine Grasscloth quality has been tested and certified to Fire Rating
BS EN 13501‐1:2007+A1:2009 Class B, s1, d0.
A natural 100% Cotton slub fabric applied on a 147gsm non-woven backing for easy application.
Non-Woven Backing FSC Certified C104236.
Our Cotton Slub quality has been tested and certified to Fire Rating
BS EN 13501‐1:2007+A1:2009 Class B, s1, d0.
A 100% Polyester Silk fabric applied on a 147gsm non-woven backing for easy application.
Non-Woven Backing FSC Certified C104236.
Our Faux Silk quality has been tested and certified to Fire Rating
BS EN 13501‐1:2007+A1:2009 Class B, s1, d0.